Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who is Jacob?

Jacob is a precious 5 year old boy living in Eastern Europe. Jacob was born with Down syndrome, also called Trisomy 21. This simply means that he has an extra 21st chromosome. People with Down syndrome often have lower muscle tone and it takes them longer to accomplish their milestones such as crawling, walking, talking, etc. Jacob is 4 1/2 and because he wasn't in physical therapy for his low muscle tone, he is significantly delayed. He can sit up unassisted, but does not crawl or walk. His report says that most of his time is spent lying in a bed. He shows interest in his environment and in toys and other objects. He recognizes his name and responds to it. His speech is significantly delayed but he is beginning to make sounds. He eats from a bottle and does attempt to hold the bottle by himself. He is only 14 pounds. Yes, you read that right, almost 5 years old and is 14 lbs! My baby girl with Down syndrome is almost two years old and she weighs 18 lbs. This just breaks my heart for Jacob. Imagine what love and attention will do for him! He will exceed all expectations, I just know it. Could you be Jacob's family? Are you ready to be loved unconditionally by a precious little boy whose days are passed just lying in a crib, waiting for you?

Here is the link to his profile on Scroll down, his profile is in the middle of the page.
